-Friday, April 28, 2006-
Do not wear red at funerals.
yesterday, i attended the funeral of my father's close friend-slash-neighbor-slash-family friend, Sig. Giuseppe Staibene. he was 60 something and had cancer. he found out that he had cancer almost 2 years ago, when his doctor told him that no one could do anything to cure him, but he never gave up on life, he never blamed God, he accepted and embraced his "destiny". he was pretty ironic about him having cancer and knowing that sooner than anyone expected, God may call him. everyone thought he would pass away before my father, but then again to err is human. he died only 6 months after papà did. he and his wife lived one floor up to ours, my parents and them have known each other even before i was born. i still remember how we found out about his cancer, one hot summer, papà and i were to pick up mamma somewhere in the center of town when we saw him and his wife at the bus stop waiting in vain for the always-late-every-summer bus and decided to give them a ride. the streets were almost empty, seems like everyone has already gone to their vacation spots then papà asked them on where they're spending their vacation and he said they're staying here in the oh-so-hot milan, that's when papà decided to invite them to join us for a week or two in the U.S. of A. at my sister's place, giuseppe then said that they prefer to stay here, just to make sure that if he dies, he'd be at their humble place. that's when he told us he had cancer and all that other stuff. in one of those hot nights when i was trying to get some relief with the help of the nonexistent breeze, i wondered how one feels knowing that one day or another he might die, feeling that his exsistence has an expiration date of some kind.
yes, he wanted to relinquish life at his humble home and there he slept in peace.
the priest who celebrated the funeral mass said that giuseppe would often talk to him about life and death and most times even joked about it.
priest: don't say goodbye, instead say see you in paradise.
giuseppe: if all the people who dies goes to paradise then it's pretty crowded in there... how will i recognize the people i knew?
(then a laugh between him and giuseppe would start until it was time for giuseppe to go back home)
he was a happy-ironic-man, very well-educated, never had prejudice, he loved life. the only thing that worried him was that he was to leave his wife alone.
at the church, it was simply amazing that i was the only "foreigner", (i came there by myself) yet i never felt alone not even for a single second. which reminds me of a famous line from sex and the city, if my memory serves me right. the one that talks about living in a big city like new york, of course, being surrounded by all those people and yet feel lonely... something like that... ohh... i have a very bad memory.
::- to giuseppe... arrivederci in paradiso! -::
♣ ♣ ♣
who said that we should not wear anything red on funerals? and what exactly is the reason , again? i think it's only us filipinos who actually do this stuff.. i mean half of the people in that church were wearing red, even giuseppe's youngest son and some of his grandchildren were in red.
♠ ♠ ♠
† today is lolo's (grandpa's) 3rd year death anniversary. †
have a great weekend, everyone!
take lotsa care! ta-ta people!
who deemed @ 8:41 PM
-Wednesday, April 26, 2006-
Just like a friendster survey!
after being oh-so-tired and overflowed by surveys and such as at friendster,
i decided to do it here, where no one can actually "overflow" ME!
1. Choose a search engine.
2. Pick 5 random blogfriends/onlinefriends.
3. Think of a word or phrase that you describe each friend.
4. Do an image search of that word or phrase.
5. Pick an image to represent your friend - share it.
Hanagirl [

Reena [
Bem [online]

Goldi [

Ate Thess [online]
--- Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 123. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence with these instructions. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Use the book nearest to you.
" 'I think she's about twenty-five,' persisted Dale. "
from Kate Long's "The bad mother's handbook", i don't like the book.. i'm not saying it's a bad book.. just that it ain't my style.. i was on page 15 when i decided to give up on the book..
List of seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre. Whether or not they have words or even if they're any good, they must be the songs you enjoy right now. Post this instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs then tag 7 people and see what they are listening to.
1. India Arie - Brown Skin
2. Sponge Cola - Dragonfly
3. Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
4. Cueshe' - Can't Let You Go
5. Bamboo - Much Has Been Said
6. Ne-Yo - So Sick
7. 9th Ave. - Maybe You rule is, i'm supposed to be passing these tags to other bloggers/online people.. but since, it's so damn obvious that i don't have enough "link exchange" blog friends, i'm leaving it to you people.. whoever wants to get tagged- BE TAGGED then.
Happy Tagging (?) people!

ta-ta everyone!
who deemed @ 10:49 AM
-Monday, April 24, 2006-
Wisdom tooth brings the "wisyo" within.

ang wisdom tooth? -Wisdom teeth are third molars that usually appear between the ages of 18 and 20 (although they may appear when older, or fail to appear at all). They are called "wisdom teeth" because they appear so late—much later than the other teeth, at an age where people are supposedly wiser than as a child, when the other teeth erupt. Often they need to be removed when they impact against other teeth—colloquially known as "coming in sideways."- as defined by wikipedia.
ayun, anu bang ibig sabihin pag-wala pang wisdom teeth at age 21? abno na ba ako? (mas abno pa sa pag ka abno ko?
) ay, nako! ewan ko ba..
anyway, eto at wala na naman akong magawa.. nga pala si cousin jeng with her beloved asawa and their (my inaanak) daughter are going to spend a whole month in da pelepins.. hhaayy.. me, on the other hand, decided to wait 'till next year.. or maybe on 2008 when i finally will have my overdue diploma.
i miss pelepins.. but once i'm there it seems like everyone's too busy with their thing and i'm left all alone at my grandma's place counting the butike (lizards) on the ceiling then i'll just get so damn depressed. so, better stay here. hehehe!
i lost my dog-walking part-time job, the guy who owns the dog moved back to his parents 'cause he already finished his master's degree.
so now, i'm jobless, not a student (cause i dropped out), and broke! *loser*
oh yes, life is beautiful!
Happy Birthday to my dear mamalaine (lillian)!! [needless to say lillian's the girl.. the one on the right)
who deemed @ 12:36 AM
-Thursday, April 20, 2006-
A friend's visit
asmae came and gave me a visit and gave me a key chain for my key chain collection. (hah! being repetitive, again!) so, today is one of those days were i feel like blogging but can't find any words or anything to blog about.

asmae while talking to some guy trying to get away from the camera.

i was trying to "steal" a shot but she was too fast.

picture-picture before she left! she took the picture! darn! she's too tall! hahaha!
tc everyone! ta-ta people!
who deemed @ 6:48 PM
-Tuesday, April 18, 2006-
The after-easter. [PICTURES-PICTURES!]

the world's most expensive easter egg.
The "Diamond Stella Egg" which stands 65cms (25in) tall is made of layers of dark chocolate and is stuffed with peach and apricot chocolates and pralines in the shape of fish. The outside is studded with 100 half carat diamonds costing $ 100,000.
while i on the other hand, got this...

the egg, as a whole. hehehe!

the broken egg.

and the tupperwared egg.
it took me almost 2 weeks to finish the entire egg.. hehehe.
who deemed @ 9:58 PM
-Monday, April 10, 2006-
Have i become numb?
"Sometimes we have to leave someone we love..
Though the feelings is still overflowing..
Not just because he doesn't love you...
But also you're not the one he needs..."that's some lines i copied from her poem; enough... last night i was having a heart to heart talk chat with bem when we got "interrupted" because she needed to answer a call.. so while waiting for her i browsed through her friendster blog and once again i found myself re-reading this poem...
the last time i read that lines, something inside me pinched my stomach heart... it struck me straight in the face?
i was hurt, it was exactly the same thing that i HAD TO do because i knew that there was nothing else to do but let go... some considered it as me being weak... others, like me for example, consider(ed) it being wise... letting go of someone you're inlove with, when that someone is equally inlove with you just because..., now that's weakness... i, on the other hand did what i had to do because i knew that if i didn't i'd be letting that person to just continually hurt me.. and as masochistic as i can be... there are still some pain things that i just cannot live with...
but now things are different, when i go through that words again, it didn't hurt anymore... i had flashbacks, yes... but i didn't cry, i slept well that night... i felt nothing. i'm 21 and i've fallen inlove only twice, not that it's that important or that there's anything wrong with that.. only that i was 13 or 14 when love first hit me and the last time i fell out of love was when i was 18? or 17? now i'm 21.. i don't know i find it weird.. yes, of course, i've had "a thing" both here and back in the philippines, but for the last 2 years or so, nothing.. no infatuations, no crushes, no nothing.. but since i hate whining about my so-called love life.. in the end, i just have to still be thankful that atleast, twice i had felt the real thing.
here i am... not making sense once again..
'ope you all had a great week-end... mine sucked.. i was all over the house!
ta-ta people!
who deemed @ 3:01 PM
-Sunday, April 09, 2006-
Blogger, blog hopping.
ooohhhh... darn! i'm so mentally distracted these past few days that i feel like doing absolutely nothing.. so, i just keep on hopping and hopping and hopping blog after blog.. and keep on reading.. most of the time without leaving a single trace..
( i mean no comments.. no tags.. )
anyways, i "landed" clicked my way to Shifting Sands, with a post entitled, the art of letting go, which reminded me, because of the poem with the same title, that i need new poems to post on the deranged creativity.. blah! i'm such a lazy ass. but hey, i've got an excuse.. two-words... "writer's block"... hehehe...
moreover, i realized that the IM maniac found me this blog... so, i decided to re-post my feed on friendster. i took off the feed of this blog on my friendster's profile only because he was harassing me.. it would have been okei with me if he was commenting on the blog and not on my YM.. so, i blocked him.. then he used another screen name.. so on and so forth... until i blocked the fifth screen name and changed MY screen name... but since he already found me here.. what the heck.. i'm reposting my feeds... atleast, i'll be having more traffics.. hehehe..
who deemed @ 6:49 PM
-Saturday, April 08, 2006-
hah! i know should be blogging [ranting] about something.. but i'm just not in the mood.. and i don't know what to blog about... hmm.. i'm such a dork..
who deemed @ 3:52 PM
-Wednesday, April 05, 2006-
Links to the most visited blogs
one of my blog-hopping days, i run into a few blogs...
Here's the most visited blogs of the moment here in Italy:
- 7 in condotta - 7 in condotta is a blog of a high school-er from Padova, as the news said it has notes and all personal notes by teachers written on the "registro di class" okei so i don't really know what it's called in english.. i don't even know what it's called in "tagalog" (filipino).. the blog is in italian, anyway.
- Visto che con lo stipendio dicono di essersi comprati la mia vita, la mia dignità e i miei pensieri, e visto il recente aumento di 22 euro lordi al mese!! Da oggi non sarò più solo motivato sarò anche propositivo.... Comincio subito con una serie di piccoli consigli pratici al mio capo...
- Aiuto! Mi si è rotto il portatazza del PC! - i think the title speaks for itself, a collection of all the weirdest-stupidest-calls received by technicians. e.g. the blog's title, Help! My PC's cup holder broke! And by cup holder he/she means the CD-Rom drive. (is it called CD-rom drive?! anyway, i don't know what its called but i'm guessing you get the idea.)
- Storie di utonti nell'era dell ADSL.
who deemed @ 3:38 PM
-Sunday, April 02, 2006-
The nation cries with the Onofri family
A body was found Saturday in a field in northern Italy, where dozens of police officers had launched a nighttime search after detaining three people in the kidnapping of an epileptic toddler a month ago. Two of the suspects reportedly told police that 18-month-old Tommaso Onofri was dead, ANSA and Apcom news agencies said, without naming their sources. Later, they reported a body had been recovered. Police refused to confirm or comment on the reports.
Parma prosecutors Lucia Musti and Pietro Errede told reporters two men and a woman were detained on suspicion of kidnapping with the purpose of extortion.
Investigators had taken one of them, handcuffed, to an area near a stream, where dozens of officers searched a field Saturday night under generator-lights as a helicopter flew overhead.
One suspect had been working in construction on a farm house where the boy's family was living in Casalbaroncolo, near Parma about 126 kilometers (78 miles) south of Milan, the news agencies said.
The boy's case has gripped Italians since he was snatched March 2 from his home, after his parents said they were tied up by two armed men. Days later, Pope Benedict XVI called for the boy's immediate and unconditional release.
news from eitb 24
More Articles.
Alessi confessa: Tommy è morto; era sepolto sulle rive dell'Enza
to watch video (the video's in Italian) click here.. cliccate qui
to read news in english
video & cronaca from La Reppublica
english news from Reuters-uk
Other Tommaso "tommy" Onofri sites:
Alla memoria di un angioletto
Tommaso- Blogger site
* i think the best way to honour "tommy" is for us to be silent and offer a prayer for the little tommy... to the Onofri family our deepest condolences*
*penso che il miglior modo per onorare "tommy" è di non dire più niente e di offrire una preghiera per lui... alla famiglia Onofri le nostre più sentite condoglianze*

Today is the first anniversary of Pope John Paul's death.
this is the same picture i used on my old entry, i just like this picture of him cause i think it shows the real him.
who deemed @ 3:39 PM