-Thursday, January 01, 2004-
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Name: Geraldine Sarmiento
Moniker: din [din-din], geri, gerald, gie
Birth date: September 27, 1984
Location: Milan, Italy
Religion: Roman Catholic
Astrological Sign: Libra
High School: Canossa College -S.P.C., Laguna
College: IIS- Kandinsky -Milan, Italy
``Me, Not you``
*moody *addicted *tv-holic *photographer *cam-whore *vain *obsessive-compulsive *nocturnal *bitter *frustrated writer *sarcastic *opinionated *anti-everything *non-conformist *have bad memory *feeling close *addictive *pessimist *but not a wet blanket *rational, realistic whatever you prefer *madcap at times *emotional *musically inclined *easily irritated *complicated *mood swings every second *fickle-minded *can’t cook *maarte *book-worm
``Key words``
ice cream* italian & fiipino cuisine* lemon crash brooklyn gums* tropical mix* cactus* blogs* pictures* black* angel figurines* parks* tic-tac* tequila* gravy sauce* portables* baby powder* lip balms* necklaces* rings* earrings* melons* grill* leisurely walks* overdrives*
*conversations with the fat girl *veronica decides to die *his n hers *five people you meet in heaven *the golden wings *can you keep a secret *all I really need to know I learned in kindergarten *by the river piedra, i sat down and wept *mondscheintarif *voi non sapete che cos’è l’amore *il razzismo spiegato a mia figlia *bakit baliktad mag-basa ng libro ang mga pilipino
``Motion pictures``
my best friend’s wedding* next best thing* patch adams* jakob the liar* beauty and the beast* city of angels* she’s all that* i am sam* 50 first dates* wedding singer* never been kissed* coyote ugly* etc. etc.
``Daily Watch``
sex and the city* ally mcbeal* friends* the practice* will and grace* c.s.i.-n.y.* c.s.i.-vegas* c.s.i.-miami* n.c.i.s.* cold case* the l word* my wife and kids* tru calling* strip* gilmore girls* charmed* wasteland* zoe, duncan, jack and jane* less than perfect* coupling* scrubs* fast lane* life according to jim* mtv’s –true life* law and order* criminal intent* pimp my ride* nip/tuck* medical investigation* house* striscia la notizia* spottambuli* studio aperto –live* le iene* l’invisibile* il senso della vita*
say it* sway* so little time* she* butterfly kisses* what a wonderful world* can’t help falling in love with you* iris* south border* side a* freestyle* boyz2men* jewel* lene marlin* usher* dawson’s creek ost vol. 1* dido’s -no angel album* parokya ni edgar* e-heads* rivermaya* regine velasquez* vasco rossi* laura pausini* elisa* roma nun fa la stupida stasera* she will be loved* wonderful tonight* old love songs*
``Recent Listens``
Narda –kamikazee* sugar we’re going down –fall out boy* sponge cola* nickelback* stone free* cueshe’* bamboo* mojofly* goo goo dolls* orange and lemons*
who deemed @ 2:04 PM