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  -Monday, April 10, 2006-
Have i become numb?

"Sometimes we have to leave someone we love..
Though the feelings is still overflowing..
Not just because he doesn't love you...
But also you're not the one he needs..."

that's some lines i copied from her poem; enough... last night i was having a heart to heart talk chat with bem when we got "interrupted" because she needed to answer a call.. so while waiting for her i browsed through her friendster blog and once again i found myself re-reading this poem...

the last time i read that lines, something inside me pinched my stomach heart... it struck me straight in the face? i was hurt, it was exactly the same thing that i HAD TO do because i knew that there was nothing else to do but let go... some considered it as me being weak... others, like me for example, consider(ed) it being wise... letting go of someone you're inlove with, when that someone is equally inlove with you just because..., now that's weakness... i, on the other hand did what i had to do because i knew that if i didn't i'd be letting that person to just continually hurt me.. and as masochistic as i can be... there are still some pain things that i just cannot live with...

but now things are different, when i go through that words again, it didn't hurt anymore... i had flashbacks, yes... but i didn't cry, i slept well that night... i felt nothing. i'm 21 and i've fallen inlove only twice, not that it's that important or that there's anything wrong with that.. only that i was 13 or 14 when love first hit me and the last time i fell out of love was when i was 18? or 17? now i'm 21.. i don't know i find it weird.. yes, of course, i've had "a thing" both here and back in the philippines, but for the last 2 years or so, nothing.. no infatuations, no crushes, no nothing.. but since i hate whining about my so-called love life.. in the end, i just have to still be thankful that atleast, twice i had felt the real thing.

here i am... not making sense once again..

'ope you all had a great week-end... mine sucked.. i was all over the house!

ta-ta people!

haloscan old comments

who deemed @ 3:01 PM

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Moniker: [dindin], geri, gerald, gie
Birth date: September 27
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College: IIS- Kandinsky -Milan, Italy

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