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  -Saturday, September 17, 2005-
New Lay-out, First day of School and uumm, me being lazy?

First and foremost, I made a new lay-out,(okei, sorry for stating the obvious) spent 4 days doing it, 10 minutes for the image and the remaining trying to figure out the codes.. haha! Since school started last Monday (sept.12) and I know that in a few days I won’t have enough time to (stare dumbly at my computer) spend online and have my daily dosage of cyberspace! hehe! Anyways, school was fine, Marzia, Yolanda & Sabrina..

*I remembered something*
[I was talking to mamu^* a couple of days ago when a (Filipina, na bagong dating dito) lady approached us to ask directions, and spontaneously a chit-chat started and I noticed that we (mamu & I) both have forgotten terms (words) in tagalog, so I decided that next time I’ll rant blog in tagalog! (or tag-lish)]

*going back to Marzia, Yole (YO-LE) & Sabri*
..decided to dump school this year, (and I’m thinking of changing my schedules) I don’t know, all of a sudden, school is not that fun anymore. Its one thing having my cousin erin^* in the same school, it’s another having papu^* wanting me to avoid her, after spending years trying to convince me to befriend her. Life’s crazy!

What else? Oh, yeah, haven’t been blogging in almost a month.. its kind of funny knowing that I’m online everyday, and when I’m lying on my bed I always have this drive to blog, then I’ll go online, go to blogger only to find myself not wanting to blog anymore. (In fairness, madame akong mabasang blog! hehe!)

Belated Happy Birthday, Catty!

^* erin = not my cousin’s real name, mamu = mamma, papu = papà
this is the first & probably the last time that I’m writing who’s who, and explain that every name followed with ^* means it ain’t their real names, using this to stay out if trouble… incase some people I know bump in this blog. And if you’re one of those people, please try to forget bout what you read here… hehe!

who deemed @ 5:01 PM

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Moniker: [dindin], geri, gerald, gie
Birth date: September 27
Location: Milan, Italy
Religion: Roman Catholic
Astrological Sign: Libra
High School: Canossa College S.P.C., Laguna
College: IIS- Kandinsky -Milan, Italy

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