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  -Sunday, April 10, 2005-
see you... !!

yes! people of the cyber spazio... hahaha!!
u probably noticed that i haven't been "ranting" in awhile...
i've been busy with the "duty", school... and so fourth and so on...
mejo ng break lng po ng konte, kaya ng ka tym to blog..
anyway, i'll give you guys some updates ... after the finals.. w/c is after may... [wwaaahhhh!!!]
or pg "no school" day na ulet dito.. [sa 25 yata]...


DIZCLAIMer: "got this from sumone else's blog, on one of may bloghopping dayz..."
The Questions (fill in the blank):
1. If I could move anywhere in the [world] I would go to ________.
:: uumm... i actually like living here... life's a lot easier compared to the phils. but i'd love to visit the phils. ev'ry now and then...

2. If I could have any superpower it would be the ability to ____________.
:: to fly?! i dunno i've always had dis thing about flying... hehehe

3. My favorite austrailian animal is __________.
:: i'd have to say kangaroo. i dunno any other australian animals so my choices are quite limited.

4. The most annoying celebrity in the world is __________.
:: if i was back in my h.s. days.. i'd probably say anne curtis! hahaha

5. If I could change something about my personality it would be __________.
:: hhmm.. hard question... i juz have too many...

6. The color that makes me feel the best is _________.
:: black.. dnt ask why... cuz i honestly, have no idea..

7. If I could die for a cause, it would be __________.
:: for the ones i love..

8. If I could get rid of one sin in the world, it would be _________.
:: envy.. i guess..

9. If I could get rid of one disease in the world, it would be _________.
:: cancer... i have my reasons..

10. If I could change the season my birthday was in, I would change it from ________ to __________.
:: im satisfied wid mine... i luv the cold..


1. ___________ is more fun to celebrate than any other holiday.
:: halloween.. i think any other holidays actually require a partner.. hahaha!!

2. The last vacation I took was to __________.
:: was to maryland... last year..

3. The next vacation I plan to take will be to ___________.
:: have no idea... but mah dad's planning on going to TX but will probably end up in MA anyway.. hahaha

4. I'd really like to be more _________.
:: more... uummm.. confident i guess..

5. I can't remember the last time I __________.
:: ... actually enjoyed going to skul... eekkkk...

6. The book I last read (or am currently reading) is ________.
:: the last book i read was... Sophie Kinsella's -"Can you keep a secret?", it was a fun book... and now i'm currently reading Mike Gayle's -"his 'n' hers"... and Carlo Levi's -" cristo si e' fermato a eboli" [this one's for skul] very boring book... uff!!

7. The last program I installed on my computer was ________.
:: i juz installed Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 Starter Edition

8. When it comes to food, my weakness is _________.
:: pizza, chocolate ice cream.. any italian foods..

9. I really look forward to spending time _________.
:: at peace... trying to get some rest...

then i got this one from "patty's" blog

1. Name? = geraldine
2. How old are you? = 20
3. Do you have any nickname? = yep!
4. What's your favorite song? = madame eh..
5. genre of music you listen to? = mostly rnb'z
6. How are you feelin now? =tired!
7. How many pets do u have? = none
8. Sour, spicy or sweet? = hu me?! uuumm... sweet! wid just the right amount of spicy-'ness' on the insyd! haha
9. What would you do during your free time? = at the moment i dont have a free time...
10. Obsession? = books, taz, my laptop... uummm... gums?! hehe
11. Do you have a club in school? = nope
12. Who u with?= -
13. What are your favorite magazines? =r.d., cosmo, glamour, focus, newsweek..
14. Are you a drinker? = yeah...
15. How much money will you bring when you are out? = on skul days... 15-20 euros..
16. Car, Diamond or Money? = money.. i can buy diamonds and lotsa cars... if only i have the $$$... lol
17. hu r wid u ryt now?? = gaya ng date.. no one..
18. Coffeebean or Starbucks? = Seattle's best! ket wala ditong S. best at starbucks..
19. Where do you stay? = stay, you mean, live? >> at my parent's crib..
20. What is your favorite fooD?= italian, pinoy foods.. pizza, ice cream.. frozen pizza... no choice... no time to cook!! haha.. "hail to microwave!!" hahaha!!
21. Crush? = yuri and mirko?! eeekkk
22. Chocolate, Sweets or Cake?= chocolates
23. Can your ears move? = nope
24. Do you dye your hair? = nope... and have no plans to do so.. ket kinukukit ako ng bakla kong skulmate.. haha
25. What languages do you speak?= english (american/british mix! haha), tagalog, italian
26. How many phones in your house? = including cps?!.. umm, 7 [1 landline, 6 cp's]
27. How many toilets? = 1
28. When you are doing your business in the toilet, what would you do? = say what?!
29. Do you swim? = nooooo!!!
30. Do you gamble? = hahaha! define gamble! hahaha
31. What is your favorite sport? = watch basketball and play tennis
32. Love, techno or classical? = sa tatlo?! id have to say love?! *eeeekkkkkk*
33. What is your favorite drink? = iced tea, coffee.. anything with caffeine
34. What is your temper? = depende
35. What kind of person are you? = moody, complicated
36. What would you wear when you go to bed?= pantulog
37. What is the first thing to do when you wake up? = i-off ang alarm ng cp..
39. Favorite TV shows? = ally mcbeal, will & grace, detective conan! hahaha!!!, friends, csi, ncis, pimp my ride, less than perfect, scrubs, law & order, the practice... etc... etc..
40. Who do you want to meet? = johnny depp, the pope!, la befana, mymy and munak!, hehehe!
41. Read the bible? = i used to
42. Where do you like to go? = anywhere cold..
43. California or New York? = NY
44. When is your birthday? = 9/27
45. Do you buy branded goods? = most of the time... yep..
46. How many hours do you spend talking on the phone?= not much..
47.Will you talk to a stranger? = pag kina-kausap ako.. i think it'd be impolite not to talk back..
48. If a boy would like to get to know you as a friend, would you give your number to them?= no.. i'd rather ask for his.. hahaha.. =p
49. Do you watch romantic movies? = not really
50. Who was the last person who texted you?= asmae.. take note: @ 6 in the morning.. on a sunday!! ggrrr...

who deemed @ 8:19 PM

0 rants and raves:

whisper to my ears

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Moniker: [dindin], geri, gerald, gie
Birth date: September 27
Location: Milan, Italy
Religion: Roman Catholic
Astrological Sign: Libra
High School: Canossa College S.P.C., Laguna
College: IIS- Kandinsky -Milan, Italy

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